Salman Khan to launch Osthi audio had earlier reported that the Dabangg star Salman Khan will join the sets of Osthi, Tamil remake, to give some tips & suggestions for Simbu for the film. But after that there is no buzz regarding Salman meeting up Simbu. However certain media reports revealed that Salman has denied meeting Simbu as he is busy with his back to back schedules.
Simbu has come out with a clarification stating that, Salman has not refused to meet him but it was of his busy schedules he was unable to make up to the sets of Osthi. In fact the team of Osthi is plans of inviting the ace Bollywood star for the audio launch of the film. It can be noted here that his brother Arbazz Khan, the producer of Dabangg has graced the movie launch of Osthi.
Salman has recently visited Chennai for the audio launch of Markandeyan movie and Osthi will mark his next visit to Chennai.
Dharani is directing the film while Gopinath is going to handle the camera. Thaman is scoring the music for this action entertainer.
It looks like this is going to be a grand surprise during the audio launch isn’t it?