Few days back producer asked Divya to come for promotional event of the film but she regreted for that.The film producer finally filed a complaint on divya regarding this and effect came very soon by banning her in Kannada films for one year. There is also interesting news is that Producer Ganesh has taken a loan amount of 10 lakhs from Divya and failed to pay her amount sum of 3.7 lakhs.Due to that Divya not graced the audio release of Dandam Dashagunam movie.
While coming to the film artists association view they asked Ganesh to apologizes Divya for his act.
Divya Spandana responding to this she repeled as "Banning me and my films doesn't make any sense as I have already declared that I am going to qu
Posted By $hri to NEW CINE BUZZ at 3/24/2011 09:09:00 PM